The Arizona Board of Regents voted Friday to approve the new tuition task force, a proposal brought forth by student government leaders at the regents’ meeting last December.
“”Students suggested we take a new look at the tuition setting process, and this task force is a direct outcome of that,”” said Regent Ernest Calderón.
The regents set Feb. 14, Arizona Statehood Day, as the first official meeting of the task force, which aims to take a fresh look at the tuition-making process in order to improve policy, said regent’s president Fred Boice.
“”We are in need of education regarding tuition,”” he said. “”The task force can help us understand how to move forward.””
We want the task force to figure out how to use the maximum amount of our resources, while minimizing the cost
to students.
– Ernest Calderón,
The main goal of the taskforce will be to determine how to classify tuition, and the regents also discussed whether tuition is a state or public dollar. Student aid will also be part of the subject matter.
“”One thing necessary is to focus on financial aid and to consider tuitions separate from financial aid,”” Boice said. “”Twenty-five percent of our tuition is now being used for financial aid, so any adjustment in tuition is a tractable, traceable change in structure.””
“”We want the taskforce to figure out how to use the maximum amount of our resources, while minimizing the cost to students,”” Calderón said.
The board added the financial needs of universities to the task force outline, after Regent Robert Bulla’s suggestion.
“”Without understanding the budget needs of universities, it will be impossible to set tuition,”” he said.
Another goal of the taskforce will look at how to make tuition more predictable.
“”The draft objective of the taskforce is to end annual arbitration between students and universities, which can harm the zeal for education,”” said Regent Gary Stuart.
Several other regents expressed the importance of keeping tuition predictable.
“”After each and every item we discuss, we need to ask, ‘How will this help minimize the annual arbitration of tuition,'”” Calderón said.
The task force will be chaired by Calderón and will include one student from each of the three Arizona universities. Regents Fred Boice, Dennis DeConcini and student Regents Mary Venezia and David Martinez will also make up the task force, as well as the three Arizona university presidents.
The UA will select the student representative within the next week, said Associated Students of the University of Arizona President Tommy Bruce.
Bruce will nominate a student to be approved by the Arizona Students’ Association and then sent to the regents this Friday, Bruce said.
“”It’s a phenomenal opportunity for students to become truly involved in the tuition setting process and be a part of the evolution of that process,”” he said.
Interested students should e-mail Bruce directly at