Easy question, difficult answer. Who would win in a street fight, Batman or James Bond?
I’m gonna go with James Bond because he has a sick car.
Well I think you’re wrong, but I’ll let you defend your choice.
First of all, he’s got a sick car and Batman’s not gonna be able to catch him.
Dude, Batman rolls with the Batmobile.
Alright, but I don’t like Batman.
How? He’s got better toys than Bond. I mean, Bond doesn’t have an airplane.
Nah, but he’s got a jetpack.
Who do you think has a rougher time?
Definitely Batman. James Bond has the girls.
Batman is a billionaire though, that’s not too rough.
Yeah, but he has to be secret and no one knows who he is.
Didn’t you see the movies? His little girlfriend knows that he’s Batman but she just doesn’t tell anybody.
Yeah, Bond’s a player though. He gets all the girls.
That’s true, but if you’re a billionaire you could buy all the girls you want. In the movie Batman buys a hotel and hooks up with some super models like it’s no big thing.
Yeah, I dunno. This is a hard question. You’re right.
But if you could be one of these dudes, which one would you pick?
James Bond, he’s just too slick.