In 1974, the UA received state funding to expand the football stadium under the condition no abortions be performed on campus, including at University Medical Center. This agreement continues today even though performing abortions is legal in Arizona.
Now the UA has reinforced its ban on marijuana on campus because it’ll lose federal money, thanks to a ban on marijuana on higher education campuses. Apparently, Arizona laws don’t always apply to Arizona universities.
For an institution that boasts freethinking and promotes knowledge and the health of its students and faculty, it seems counter-intuitive to place restrictions on people who work or go to school here.
Why should we be punished? Because the UA cannot risk losing federal money. So, because the school is poor, the federal government can tell students or faculty suffering from debilitating disease or ailment to just suck it up. For not trying harder, the UA gets a fail.
H.B. 2014, introduced in late December, would prohibit state universities and colleges from enforcing “”any policy or rule that prohibits the possession of a concealed weapon by a person who possesses a valid permit.”” When asked, UA President Robert Shelton said, “”I am unilaterally, completely opposed to that. When I talk to all the law enforcement officials of Tucson Police Department and the University of Arizona Police Department … they say it’s a bad idea for them.””
Campus shootings are tragic, but arming faculty members is just as dangerous as allowing anyone else to carry a weapon. Last February, Professor Amy Bishop brought a gun to the University of Alabama in Huntsville and shot her fellow faculty members. Faculty is not an exception to the rule.
Furthermore, police officials have said a situation is more dangerous when they can’t tell who the bad guy is. The argument that if someone comes with a gun they’ll be able to defend themselves is ludicrous. Unless every faculty member is trained and armed in every classroom every day, it is safer, and more efficient, to call the police. This is a place of learning, and students shouldn’t wonder if their professor is packing heat and might snap at the next question.
Therefore, Shelton gets a pass for defending a weapon-free campus policy.
The birther movement hasn’t melted away after all. Forty-one Arizona legislators, all Republican, are sponsoring H.B. 2544. The bill requires presidential and vice-presidential candidates to submit an “”original long form birth certificate that includes the date and place of birth, the names of the hospital and the attending physician and signatures of the witnesses in attendance”” among other things. Failure to submit these will keep the candidate off Arizona’s ballot.
This bill is a legislative distraction from the issues that matter, and an embarrassment on Arizona’s nonsensical list of priorities. While higher education and health care flounder in a statewide economic crisis, 41 Republican legislators can’t get over President Barack Obama’s birthplace? Still? Fail.
FBI reports and surveys by the Bureau of Justice Statistics show rape and sexual or dating violence have plummeted among young people. Statistics by the Centers for Disease Control also show that rates of birth, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases among teens have fallen significantly, The New York Times reported.
There’s no way to pinpoint why young people are so much better at sex than older generations. It could be the constant pro-condom culture of the millennial generation or just the vast knowledge and fear of sexually transmitted diseases. Maybe it’s because we don’t have three-day love-fests and swinger parties as much. Regardless, older generations may be able to peg us as crude, rude or annoying, but it’s nice to know we can respond, “”Hey, wrap it up grandpa.””
As for rape and dating violence, congratulations to the women who kick ass, aren’t afraid to say “”No”” and stand up for themselves, probably at times with a swift kick to a private area. And thank you to the young men who either can’t get laid and have accepted that, or are acting like gentlemen. Here’s a solid pass for the youth of America.
– Editorials are determined by the Daily Wildcat editorial board. They are Kristina Bui, Ken Contrata, Michelle A. Monroe and Heather Price-Wright. They can be reached at