ASUA Notebook 03/22/23: Senate funds Women’s Network gala, club swim
Want an inside look at the University of Arizona’s student government? Read the Daily Wildcat’s Associated Students of the University of Arizona notebooks, which recap the ASUA Senate’s weekly meetings.
March 20, 2023
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona kept its March 15 senate meeting short, addressing two senate funding requests: one from The Women’s Network and one from the UA’s club swim team.
The senate approved a portion of the funding proposal from the UA chapter of The Women’s Network to help pay for its upcoming networking gala.
TWN’s initial proposal was for $816, which accounted for food, beverages and table linens. The senate decided to exclude table linens from the request, bringing the request down to $516, which it unanimously approved.
The networking gala, featuring a speaker panel, networking discussion tables and opportunities to connect with several clubs and organizations, will be held on March 31 from 6-10 p.m. in the Bear Down Gymnasium.
The UA club swim team requested $5,045.40 to pay for six members to compete in the 2023 College Club Swimming Nationals in Columbus, Ohio.
The senate funded a portion of the team’s original request in the amount of $850. Club swim became an official club sport in January 2021 and this will be the first time it is attending nationals.
Ahana Singh, senator for the Eller College of Management, reported that she met with Eller Dean Karthik Kannan to discuss funding for Campus Pantry. Kannan agreed to donate $2,000 to the pantry on behalf of the college.
The senate will meet again next Wednesday, March 22, at 6 p.m. in the Pima room of the Student Union Memorial Center.
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