Time to bring the troops home
I have nothing but the most profound respect for our men and women in uniform (“”Time to support the troops””). To do what they do takes courage that most people don’t have, myself included. This is why they are the greatest Americans in my mind.
Despite my frustration with this war, my respect for them has not dimmed in the slightest since day one. It is because of this that I feel we should support them in the greatest way possible – by bringing them home to their loving families and friends.
Let’s put an end to this awful war that should never have started. We as Americans were wrong to let our fears get the best of us and go into this war on false pretenses. I think it’s very nice that the UA College Republicans want to support our troops, but frankly I feel that USO shows are not really the best way to show our gratitude. If we truly care for and love our troops, we will give them the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift, which is a flight home, a commendation for their service and all the benefits and respect that come with being a U.S. veteran.
The troops have done everything they can, but unfortunately, we are in a situation where the military might will not fix the mess Iraq is in. As soon-to-be President Barack Obama has said, “”no amount of American soldiers can solve the political differences at the heart of somebody else’s civil war.””
For the College Republicans to support this escalation of 21,000 troops while collecting donations and presents for those same troops is hypocritical at best. This is especially true when every military expert has said “”time to pull out.”” The College Republicans need to stop acting like mindless sheep to the Bush-Cheney marching band and learn how to think for themselves for once.
If Bush told them to jump off a bridge, would they do it? Probably.
Joel Shooster
political science junior
Bias? More like ‘barista’
When thinking about liberal bias among the academic elite, my first response is a very flippant “”Who cares?””
First off, I am biased; as an engineering student, I am here for training in a productive career field, not to expand my cultural horizons (i.e. form fashionably correct opinions). I can do that for free simply by reading a book, which I do on many political, environmental and philosophical topics.
The political orientation of the philosophy, political science, sociology, journalism or creative writing graduates concerns me little as long as they don’t screw up my coffee order at Starbucks. I also don’t care about the political orientations of my professors, because every teacher I have only presents factual material and the occasional opinion/advice as to the future of the industry. This is because my career choice has little to do with opinions or politics and everything to do with technical competency and innovative thinking.
Let the liberal arts majors churn out feminist, poetry-reading, black beret-wearing clones; we will need them as snooty baristas. That is, until an engineer builds an automated coffee hut ð- then I guess they will have to all get real jobs.
Antony Mills
optical sciences and engineering sophomore
Lincoln no saint, either
In his column last Friday (“”Away with Presidents’ Day””), Justyn Dillingham states, “”I see no need to honor Woodrow Wilson – whose suppression of civil liberties makes Dick Cheney look like a piker.””
He neglects to mention another president who was vociferously criticized for his “”suppression of civil liberties,”” including the suspending of habeas corpus, the imprisonment of hostile newspaper editors, and other infractions: Abraham Lincoln. No man did more to concentrate power in the hands of the executive branch.
Dillingham’s argument that the holiday promotes an uncritical view of our leaders would be more convincing if he knew his history better (and his disdain for Calvin Coolidge might also disappear).
Steven Crawford
music senior
Students: A little help, please?
Recently while riding her bicycle on campus between classes, one of my daughters, a student, fell off her bicycle and was injured. Not a single person witnessing her fall stopped to assist her or show any sign of compassion.
Did we baby-boomer parents, in our haste to gobble up the world and its resources, fail to teach our children responsibility in helping others? Perhaps that is why none of my daughter’s peers offered her aid. I can’t put forth a theory why any adults in the area failed to offer assistance.
I hope such lack of caring is not symptomatic of the campus community, but instead a chance occurrence of that particular time and place on the UA campus where a crowd of people failed to present a hero.
Michael Midkiff
UA parent