Campus Events
Arizona Bass Players festival and workshop. Today is the first of a four-day event that features public concerts and workshops about electric bass guitar and the string bass. Tonight’s concert features UA faculty artist Patrick Neher, guest artist Larry Gray and seven graduate students in a program of classical, theatrical and improvised music from various eras. $5 students, $9 UA faculty, $11 general. 7 p.m. Holsclaw Hall, School of Music building
22nd annual Law Fair. The law fair is an opportunity for law students and members of the campus community to meet with law school admissions staff from more than 100 law schools. 11 a.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Ballroom
College of Law general information session. Thinking about law school? Prospective law students are invited to attend general information sessions that will not only provide information on the James E. Rogers College of Law, but also on the law school application process, financial aid and important admission deadlines. To confirm the scheduled session, call 621-8728. 2:30 p.m. SUMC, Tubac Room
Technology panel. Inspired by the exhibition “”Joseph Scheer’s Moths: Flight, Light and Desire,”” the UA Museum of Art invites everyone to attend a panel of UA faculty members as they discuss “”Techno-Genesis: Innovation Under the Influence – A Cross-Disciplinary Conversation That Asks the Question: Are New Technologies Forging New Realities?”” 4 p.m. UA Museum of Art, Main Gallery
Film series. The College of Law’s American Civil Liberties Union Film Series presents “”Border Crossings”” and “”Presente.”” Produced by Tucson-based PanLeft Productions, both films deal with immigration issues. Members of PanLeft will be available after the screenings to discuss the films. 7 p.m. College of Law building, Room 146
Strategic Update on Arizona State Retirement System. Paul Matson, president of the Arizona State Retirement System, will describe the current status of the pension fund, general health and welfare plans for the future, and how it all affects present and future UA retirees. 7 p.m. Education building, Room 211
Project Converse. En donde ofrecemos una oportunidad para aprender y practicar hablar el inglǸs, GRATIS! Project Converse is a student-run organization that pairs up English speakers with those who want to learn and practice English. Project Converse offers an informal setting where you can work at your level and get one-on-one conversation practice for free. 5 p.m. SUMC, Picacho Room
The Honors College play. The Honors College Players present the comedy “”The Real Inspector Hound.”” Written by Tom Stoppord, this one-act farce lampoons both theater criticism and the English whodunit. 7 p.m. Slonaker House, Living Room
Super movie. When a regular guy dumps a superhero because of her neediness, she uses her powers to make his life a living hell. “”My Super Ex-Girlfriend,”” starring Uma Thurman and Luke Wilson, is now playing. 7 p.m. $3. SUMC, Gallagher Theater