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Fast Facts
April 4, 2007
- Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon with his left foot first.
The IRS estimates that $20-$40 billion is lost to tax fraud every year.
In 1900 the average American slept 9 hours, 20 minutes. Now it’s 7 hours, 20 minutes.
Venice, Italy, is built in a lagoon on top of 118 islands.
Drivers of sport-utility vehicles are twice as likely to talk on a cell phone as drivers of other kinds of cars.
Whale oil was used in automobile transmission fluids as late as 1973.
Eggshells are proportionately as strong as bone.
Fifty-two percent of Americans say they’d rather “”spend a week in jail”” than be president.
Beaver’s teeth are so sharp that Native Americans once used them as knife blades.
The first year when the U.S. national debt exceeded $1 billion was 1863.
Most of the egg rolls sold in the United States are made in Houston.
Lemon Pledge has more lemons in it than Country Time lemonade.
Even clean air may contain as many as 1,500 specks of dust per cubic inch.
Sand melts at 3,100 degree F.
The only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution is treason.