How do you feel about girls with eating disorders?
I do not like anorexic girls. I feel like it’s kind of weird and not attractive.
OK, well the reason that I ask you is because today I saw a tabloid at Safeway that said “”Snooki’s battle with anorexia.”” Do you have any comments?
I feel like it is just because she is on “”Jersey Shore”” and she’s famous and people are making fun of her because she’s kind of fat. So she’s trying to lose weight, I guess. It’s definitely a bad thing though; I don’t think she should do that.
Is it sad to you that girls feel that they have to be 100 pounds or less?
Yeah it is sad that they feel the need to do that. They shouldn’t do that.
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive at your apartment, who would it be and why?
Dead or alive? That is such a random question. I need to think …
First person that pops in your head.
Leonardo DiCaprio, that’s the first person who popped in my head.
Why Leo? Is he a stud in your mind?
No, he’s a badass … and a stud (laughs). No, but he always has the best movies, he’s sweet.
What’s your favorite Leo movie, aside from “”Titanic?””
Aside from “”Titanic,”” that’s a tough one to beat but I think “”Blood Diamond”” is pretty good.
OK, so where did you transfer from and why?
From Marquette University in Milwaukee. It was too cold and I definitely don’t like the cold very much and a bunch of my friends go here.
So you are just loving the UA lifestyle?
Yeah, and the football games. Marquette doesn’t have a football team so that kind of sucks.
What is the mascot there?
The Golden Eagles.
Wow the Wildcats are way better physically and emotionally.
Wildcats kick some Golden Eagle ass. But yeah it just wasn’t very fun up there and there are way more students here. It just was not the best choice. My cousin kind of convinced me to go there.
Sorry, but back to the Leonardo DiCaprio dinner … what would you cook him?
Probably like some burgers or something.
You’re going to cook Leo a burger? What is wrong with you? I was thinking more like filet mignon or something.
I guess I could try that, a filet and some baked potatoes.
Oh you should try that, he would love you.
I think we would become best friends and probably hangout all the time.
–-Caroline Nachazel