The clicker resolution, which aims to streamline UA to a single classroom responder, is up for discussion at this week’s senate meeting.
“”Instructors have recently chosen various brands of classroom responders for their classes, placing an unnecessary financial cost for students with each additional brand of classroom responder,”” readss Sen. Chad Travis’s drafted resolution to the ASUA Senate. “”Using a single brand and model of classroom responder will decrease the unnecessary costs for students, as well as simplify technological problems among responders.””
He calls for the “”strongest possible support”” for the Task Force on Classroom Responders, a mission he’s championing, along with ASUA President Emily Fritze, as one of his senate projects.
Gail Burd, vice provost in the office of academic affairs and a committee-based faculty began work in the spring of last school year on the Task Force on Classroom Responders. Only recently has ASUA been made aware of the effort and come out in support of it, according to Fritze.
Costs for binders are also up for approval in the meeting, a $49.16 cost in the senate budget. The senate aides, placed last week, are there to assist ASUA senators.
The cohort program presentation, an information item, and consent agenda approvals from the Monday meeting represent the last two items on the agenda.