Comments from
On ‘How Microsoft will drop the ball on Project Natal,’ April 7
I can agree with the article on some levels, however, Microsoft has already revealed Activision, Bethesda, Capcom, Konami, Namco Bandai, Square Enix, THQ, Rare, Lionhead, Epic games are just a few of the “”hardcore”” quality developers developing for Natal. Whilst the ips have not been announced the *majority* of those developers/publishers are known for releasing good games consistently. I would also argue that by having these press conferences much earlier than Sony, Microsoft has got such a large hype train behind Natal, due to its praise by the media, that any mistakes made by Microsoft would have to be huge for consumer interest to swing in favor of “”move.””
— Wh1teburn
Can not agree more. Sony at the moment is claming that their Move is something new, as they said no to technology similar to Natal, because they wanted to do something new, which is copying Nintendo’s ideas, and now they are mocking MS and N with their ads and comments like that about Natal technology, etc. Microsoft approach is so not US that it’s suprising, they are just showing same old demo to all — everywhere when they are showing Natal, keeping all the good stuff for world premiere, I think that what they will show to us at E3 this year will be amazing (I hope so). They have got a lot of money and they have got support from first and third party development. UbiSoft THQ Sega etc. And a lot of casual games can make a lot of people buy Natal, MS can release some add-ons to Natal — “”light sabers”” wheels etc. Or maybe as it was shown on E3 last year, you could use your own gear? It would allow you to hold something in your hands and can attract core gamers as well, a lot of games will offer some kind of hybrid — imagine next Star Wars games, where you playing with XO controller but all saber fights are played with Natal. Device have got huge potential …
— Pasterpl
Eyetoy has been around for a while. Long before the Wii or Natal. It had fun inovative games on the PS2 and nobody cared.
There are Natal like games on the PS3 right now and still no one cares. Why would anyone suddenly want this type of gameplay just because it’s from MS and XBOX 360?
— Jeff H
Although this article makes valid points, instead of being about the technology it just turns into yet ANOTHER rant against Microsoft. I see the problem with Microsoft’s business practices especially being their lack of any real advertising of Project Natal (it did appear on a Smallville episode recently, but that’s pretty much it). But instead of ranting / railing against the company that is behind the technology as a gamer supposedly reviewing the technology, just review the technology!
Your declaring a product a failure before it even comes out to market because you have a personal issue with Microsoft’s business practice. That’s just plain STUPID!!
— Mike
You really have no clue as to what you are talking about, and have no business writing this gaming news article or any article for that matter.
Natal needs great titles from Activision, Capcom, Konami, Bandai, Square and Epic. They also need simple games for non-hardcore gamers like Wii done with sport titles. According to their press releases so far, Microsoft has already done all that. The only issue that could interrupt Natal’s success is the delay in response if their camera or hardware failure. Microsoft is already working to improve the delay issue. That leaves hardware failure as the only factor to address. They are already dealing with a reputation problem after the past and ongoing ring of death with the 360 console. Sony was smart using less technology with their motion wond. There are less parts to their system that could fail. Sony’s hardware is far more stable and there will be less problems reported from their motion technology. However, Sony’s PS3 is still the most expensive to program for. Since it is harder to program for, many developers will lean toward 360 for their motion titles. Since Microsoft has the most marketing cash, developers will find it more attractive to strike exclusive deals with Microsoft’s Natal. If Microsoft continues this path, then they will outsell Sony by a tiny margin. Wii will fall into third place since they are no longer the only motion system on the market. However, the bottom line is: Sony will never quit like Sega done. The only way Microsoft can dominate the industry is if they integrate 360 and Windows. That will never happen, therefore Sony will always have a chance to get revenge in the future.
— Qwerty