Internship workshop. What are you doing next summer? How about an excellent summer job or internship with a great employer? This workshop offers information about awesome summer experiences and tips on how to land one. No sign-up required. 11 a.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Room 411
Writing workshop. Victoria Stefani of the Writing Skills Improvement Program will discuss perfecting punctuation. This lecture is part of a free semester-long series of workshops held every Monday. 5 p.m. Psychology building, Room 207
War lecture. Members of the UA and Tucson community will examine the impact of the war in Iraq on impoverished communities in the United States. The response to Hurricane Katrina will be discussed as an indicator of the growing gap between rich and poor. 7 p.m. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, Room S202
Observatory lecture. “”Large Binocular Telescope: Two Eyes Opening”” by John Hill of the Steward Observatory. 7:30 p.m. Steward Observatory, Room N210
Chess tournament. 6 p.m. $3. SUMC, Games Room
Karaoke. Should you have been an “”American Idol”” contestant? Show your stuff! 7 p.m. Park Student Union