Caitlyn Ridenour
Matt and Kim play at the House of Blues in New Orleans on Oct. 18, 2012. Matt and Kim's upbeat "Daylight" is the perfect song to wake up to.
Do you know that feeling when you can’t get out of bed in the morning? This playlist is full of songs to help you overcome those morning feelings of dread and woe — songs to empower you and give you the boost you need to feel inspired throughout the day.
1. Katy Perry — “Firework”
While most of Katy Perry’s music is sickeningly sweet and sometimes drunk on too many sangrias, this song is all about self-worth and the ability to make a stand about who you are and how you want to feel about life — a perfect beginning to a new day.
Taylor Swift — “Shake It Off”
This song was featured on an earlier playlist, but it’s this kind of anthem that makes independence feel so awesome. This song is catchy and motivational, and you can’t help but feel energized in spite of its overrated popularity.
Florence + The Machine — “Dog Days Are Over”
The music video for “Dog Days are Over” is so trippy that you can’t help but laugh. Because laughter literally sends signals throughout the body and is therapy for your mind, you end up feeling lighter engaging in all the media around this song.
Jimmy Eat World — “The Middle”
Who needs to fit in when you can stand out and be the best version of yourself you can be? This song uplifts the individuals we all are, and it is awesome for motivating you to do things with some personal style.
The Black Eyed Peas — “I Gotta Feeling”
This song may be more mellow than the others on the playlist, but it is still awesome in its own right. It’s about celebrating after a hard week of work, which is necessary in any career, and especially as students.
Train — “Hey, Soul Sister”
This song is so happy and wonderful, and it’s all about giving people the attention they deserve for the parts of them that make them cool. Appreciation of others is always a great outlook on life — what goes around, comes around.
Matt and Kim — “Daylight”
Matt and Kim’s flagship song “Daylight” is all about being careless and simply living life. The song gives off a message that no matter who you are, what your goals are or what you’re willing to do to get there, everyone needs a little time to decompress and focus on the things that really matter.
Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen — “Good Time”
This song is the best way to end this playlist: a song that makes you want to dance and party. It’s repetitive and upbeat, which is just the encouragement we need in our busy, hectic lives.
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