Vitali vitals
A non-UA affiliated woman was issued a referral to the Dean of Students Office for being intoxicated at Navajo-Pinal Residence Hall at 12:14 a.m. on April 20.
Two University of Arizona Police Department officers went to the dorm to check on an intoxicated woman in a third floor bathroom. Upon arriving on the scene, officers saw Tucson Fire Department personnel carrying the woman out of the restroom. The woman was identified and TFD and Student
Emergency Medical Services assessed her condition.
As personnel took her vitals and asked questions, the woman told them she had drunk Vitali Vodka at an off-campus party. She said she couldn’t remember where the party was.
The woman was not a Tucson resident or a student living in Navajo Residence Hall, so her brother was notified to pick her up. She was then referred to complete student diversion for underage drinking and released.
Oh yeah, about that
A UA student was arrested on charges of possessing drug paraphernalia in Apache-Santa Cruz Residence Hall at 1:25 a.m. on April 20.
Two UAPD officers were patrolling the area when they noticed a strong odor of marijuana and air freshener coming from a window in the dorm.
Police then walked to the dorm, met with a resident assistant and went to the room the smell had been coming from. When a student inside opened the door, a strong odor of marijuana was released.
Police told the student to turn on the lights in his room, which is when they noticed his eyes were “extremely red in appearance.” Additionally, a towel had been rolled up and placed under the door, and an open box of fabric softener sheets and a Lysol spray bottle were on a desk.
The students were then identified and admitted to smoking earlier. One said he had smoked in the room, and the other wouldn’t say where.
The officers were given consent to search the room and found a small box with baggies, all of which smelled of marijuana. One held a small amount of green powder.
“Oh yeah, I was gonna tell you about that,” one of the students said.
No additional information was noted during the inspection, and the student who admitted to having smoked in the room was cited and released for possession of drug paraphernalia. The green powder later tested positive for marijuana and the baggies were submitted to property and evidence.
Pool party paraphernalia
A UA student was cited for unlawful possession of marijuana and paraphernalia in Apache-Santa Cruz at 9:37 p.m. on April 20.
UAPD officers responded to a report of the smell of marijuana and an RA led them to the room it was coming from.
The student inside allowed police to enter his room, which smelled strongly of popcorn. There was also another man in the room, and police explained the report of the marijuana odor to both men.
Police were given consent to examine one side of the room, where they found a plastic baggie of marijuana stems and a small glass water pipe in a drawer.
The student said he’d purchased the marijuana at an off-campus pool party and smoked most of it there. He was cooperative throughout the discussion with police and was cited for unlawful possession of marijuana and narcotic paraphernalia before being released.
The officer then took possession of the pipe and marijuana and submitted it into property and evidence.