On ‘Rec center expansion should bulk up hours of operation,’ Jan. 26
After reading Dan Sotelo’s article on the Rec Center, I completely agree with him that although for many students 10 p.m. is a good time for the Rec to close, for others it is not that convenient. Honestly I believe the Rec Center should be open 24/7, but if it can’t because of a tight budget then it should be open at least until midnight to accommodate those students that do not have the time earlier during the day.
Jessica Lopez
On ‘Factory-line injustice clogging our courts,’ Jan. 22
Wow. Although I agree with the point about the dramatic use of chains and the humiliation it does cause, I feel you should spend much more time being a reporter not a headstrong activist. I suppose when I sat through “”Operation Streamline”” (one of the facts he did get right) I felt many emotions, I was affected by the chains, yes. I was disgusted at the scene as a whole. What are the alternatives? I might have to ask Attorney Isabel Garcia, she will help me understand what could be a possible option for a better process. But until you provide a quote or two, I can hardly respect how you represented the court. Not to mention the attorneys: as if they are all the same; ignorant and heartless. I have sat in the courtroom and processed paperwork, I read the files. See what would happen if you snuck across a border and got caught in any country. What would they do with you? Welcome you with open arms? I speak as a torn soul on the subject but can’t allow that you can speak so passionately without submersing yourself in your research. Please, know your role. I too wish the world was perfect.
Stephanie M. Aguilar