In honor of the ASUA primaries today, we talked to political science senior Dustin Cox, vice chair of the ASUA Senate.
Wildcat: OK, you’re on the spot. What issue do you hope will be addressed during this campaign?
Cox: One of the most important issues, I think, is social justice and diversity issues here on campus. And I don’t think they’ve necessarily been addressed in the past. I think that we started to address some of them this year. And hopefully we actually make some more progress next year.
W: OK, if you had to kill one local public figure, who would it be?
C: Wow. Had to, absolutely had to?
W: Yeah. God was sitting up there in a beach suit, and he was forcing you to.
C: Oh my God. I don’t know, well, I can’t actually give an answer to that question because it’s technically illegal.
W: What about maiming them?
C: Still illegal.
W: What about giving them pink eye? That’s not illegal.
C: Oh, I would totally give George Bush pink eye.
W: No, local public figure.
C: I can’t answer that question.
W: What about pinching them a little bit so their skin turns kind of red?
C: I would maybe pinch Tim Bee. He’s the president of the Arizona Senate.
W: Oh, is he a dick?
C: He doesn’t really identify on the issues like I do.
W: What do you think before you go to bed?
C: “”Man, I’m tired.””
W: Do you ever think, “”Lookie me, I’m fame-eee?””
C: Fame-eee, meaning … “”famished?””
W: It’s a version of “”famous.””
C: No, I do say, “”Hey look at me. I’m famished.””
W: Do you say, “”What’s that blue spot?””
C: Occasionally, when I see blue spots.
W: Do you say, “”I gotta run those papers through the electrometer and get back to Hagan about the Fleezon reports.””
C: You know, there was one occasion seven years ago where I did say those exact words.
W: OK, close your eyes. Do you see a red or green giraffe? My friend wanted me to ask this, I have no idea what it means.
C: I see a green one.
W: OK, last question. If you were riding a jellyfish and it bucked you off, would you take shelter in a coral reef, or would you swim up to a boat on the surface, knowing you might drown because the coral reef has air inside of it, and you could swim under there?
C: It has limited air, so I’d probably still drown down there.
W: Try to go up?
C: If I were riding a jellyfish, I probably would die at that point anyway.
– Andi Berlin