How do you feel about the last day of classes of your first semester? Pumped? Nervous?
Oh, of course I am nervous because it’s the last day of the semester but the first day of finals. And it’s scary because I’ve never experienced finals here, so I don’t know how it’s going.
They’re pretty tough.
Yeah, I’ve heard so.
You have to spend a lot of time in the library.
Yeah, I’m going to the library right now, well I’m going to try my best.
How do you feel about the statement “”time flies when you’re having fun””?
Here? Well I wasn’t focused on studying that much here, so I’ve been kind of having fun for the whole semester.
What were you focused on?
Well, it’s my first four months in the U.S. so … yeah.
Welcome! Where are you from?
I’m from Saudi Arabia.
When do you go back, next semester or year?
No, I am going to be studying here for four years.
Why did you decide to come to Arizona?
Well, because I am majoring in geophysics and the UA is one of the best universities in the geosciences department.
And what do geophysics majors do?
It’s simply the studying of the oil, extracting oil from beneath the earth’s surface.
How do you feel about spending your first holiday season in the U.S.?
Well, we don’t celebrate Christmas back in Saudi Arabia, actually I am going to Japan for Christmas.
Whoa, why?
My brother lives there.
That is so cool, very global. Do you think Americans make the holiday traditions a big deal with all the decorations, these carolers on the Mall?
Well yeah, I’ve been to Europe before, but America is something different.
Do you think we overdo it?
(Laughs) No, I think this is the way it should be, you know?
Well, I hope you know you are the last student being put “”On the Spot”” for the 2010 year … pretty big deal.
That’s really awesome.
— Caroline Nachazel