On ‘Princeton gets A in grade deflation, system gets F,’ Feb. 12
This is an extremely insightful article. As a student with a high GPA, I know grade deflation would hurt me, but I still recognize it as the right thing for any university to do. Bravo, Princeton.
-Brennan Vincent
On ‘Dually Noted: The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue,’ Feb. 11
All I have to say to this is: so what? It’s not as if these women are being forced to do this. They choose to participate and they have every right to do it. The same goes for every men’s magazine out there. Women choose to be photographed in a sexualized manner. The fact of the matter is that it’s their choice. Wasn’t the whole point of the womens’ liberation movement to give women the choice to do what they wanted with their bodies?
-Kevin W.
On ‘Waiting for himself,’ Feb. 11
Ryan (Manon) is an amazing person, too bad this article barely scratches the surface of his story. But I am glad that it is sparking a healthy, respectful conversation. Hopefully there will be a follow up article that can go more in depth into his transition.
-Lady J
I agree that the writing fell extremely flat of what it could have been, but I’m thrilled Ryan was profiled. I met him at Transgender Awareness Week last semester while he told his story on a panel, and he’s an amazing and talented guy. More of these great stories, please!
-Christina Bischoff