Scott Zimmerman, an engineering freshman, left, and Brian Greenwald, a journalism freshman, attended an episode of 'The Price is Right' during spring break. On the show, Greenwald was selected as a contestant and won a Ford F-150 truck as well as other prizes.
“”One dollar, Bob.””For millions of daytime television viewers, those three words epitomize a dream. A dream of bright lights, fabulous prizes and a man with a great tan.UA students Scott Zimmerman and Brian Greenwald lived the dream this spring break, traveling across state lines in a VW bus to make it into the taping of “”The Price is Right”” on March 12. The episode will air April 17.Greenwald, a journalism freshman, bid his way onstage and made it back to Tucson with more than $20,000 in prizes, including a new Ford F-150 truck.Their journey began when the two longtime fans of the show sent away for tickets.””They send you back tickets in the mail which guarantees you the right to stand in line, not even the right to get in, the right to stand in line outside their studio,”” said Zimmerman, a freshman majoring in mechanical engineering. Only 325 people are admitted to each taping, and the process for getting in is difficult.Their group arrived outside the studio at 11:30 p.m. the night before the taping. After spending the night in cots they borrowed from a friend in the Boy Scouts, they were allowed inside the studio around 8 a.m., Zimmerman said.After entering the studio, the two and their friends waited to be interviewed by the show’s producers. Groups of about 10 people are asked questions about themselves, Greenwald said.””You just have to be vocal and loud, to get their attention I guess,”” Greenwald said. Zimmerman and Greenwald were allowed into the taping. After they found their seats, “”The Price is Right”” announcer Rich Fields devised a way to keep guests in the studio audience entertained for the 45 minutes until the show began. “”Rich Fields came out and he’s like, ‘We’re going to try something new, we’re going to have a dance party,’ “” Greenwald said. “”I stood up immediately, before he was even done. I was actually onstage before the show even started.””When taping began, Greenwald was again surprised when Fields called him to “”come on down.””Greenwald said he was proud that he did not trip on his way down to contestant’s row. “”We were as excited as he was,”” Zimmerman said of the group. “”We were up in the stands giving each other high fives.””Greenwald, after a round of poor bidding, got his ticket onstage by bidding $1 on a set of crystal stemware.””That was one of my life’s goals, to say ‘One dollar, Bob,’ “” Greenwald said.Up close, Bob Barker’s tan was nearly orange and his hair, Greenwald confirmed, is real. Barker is also a nice guy, Zimmerman and Greenwald said.During a break in taping, an audience member asked Barker to repeat the line, “”The price is wrong, bitch,”” from the movie “”Happy Gilmore.”” While Barker initially refused, he then turned around and uttered the words that Adam Sandler made famous.Next, Greenwald had the opportunity to win a Ford F-150 in the game “”Line ’em Up”” where you must line up the price of the truck. Greenwald was thrilled when he won the truck by lining up the correct price. Though he didn’t earn a place in the showcase showdown by spinning the wheel – which he said is surprisingly heavy – Greenwald was happy with his truck, as well as the crystal stemware, golf cart alarm and knife set.Both were excited to be on the show before Barker retires this year.””To have your friend get on in is a bonus,”” Zimmerman said. “”Then to have Bob Barker walk out – he just kind of strolls out – it’s just an honor to be there, it’s history.””For now, Greenwald is filling out tax forms for his truck, which he should receive in about a month. He’s also contemplating getting a vanity plate. What does he want the plate to say? “”1DLRBOB.””