Kyle Hansen
ASUA presidential candidates Hannah Sager (left) and Manny Felix (right) debate in the Union Kiva Room in the Student Union Memorial Center on Monday. Topics of the debate included Gov. Doug Ducey's budget cuts to sexual assault awareness on campus.
The two remaining candidates for ASUA president fielded questions from panelists in Monday’s debate.
The proposed budget cuts, tackling sexual assault awareness and Greek Life were amongst the topics addressed at the debate.
Hannah Sager, a marketing junior and current Associated Students of the University of Arizona presidential chief of staff, began by briefly introducing her platform and telling her audience that giving students a voice was the “cornerstone” of her campaign.
Manny Felix, a junior studying political science and Spanish, said students must elect a leader who will push the UA forward. The areas around campus that he feels need the most attention are Greek Life, cultural centers, student services and community outreach.
Sager was asked how she plans to lobby administration to use the budget for constructive growth based on the estimated $21 million cut to the UA.
“I think we all can understand that this $100-million budget cut that is facing the UA is one of the most tragic things to happen to [the] UA,” Sager said.
Sager added that a proactive approach is vital, and she would like to gather data from students to get a realistic scope on the issues that affect them. Sager said she believes maintaining a proactive strategy is key, and it is important to have different partnerships and relationships with people who are currently in office. Relationships like that are part of the president’s responsibility to begin and maintain, Sager added.
Felix said he believes students must first understand what is happening at the UA in order to take action. He said a lot of students are unaware of how the budget may affect them. In order to change that, students must be mobilized and encouraged to take their concerns directly to the state capital.
Felix, who is the former president of the Beta Omega chapter of the fraternity he founded, Delta Sigma Theta, said he aims to enhance the relationship between Greek Life, the administration and the University of Arizona Police Department. He said the goal is to establish a more involved relationship between the Dean of Students Office and Greek Life, and to ensure that the Dean of Students Office is not there to scrutinize members of Greek Life but to help them.
Sager said it is important that ASUA does not step on the toes of other programs that work with Greek Life, but instead collaborate and create partnerships with them. Sager added that she collaborated with the Interfraternity Council last semester with the launch of the “It’s on Us” campaign, which promoted awareness against sexual assault.
Felix said he believes endorsing UA programs such as the Oasis Program, will increase awareness against sexual assault to promote awareness and work together as one unit instead of separately.
Felix said he plans to bring more diversity into the ASUA offices and will strictly follow the application process for all members.
“If you recruit good quality people to work in your cabinet, there shouldn’t be the ineffectiveness of not getting things accomplished throughout the year,” Felix said.
Sager agreed but said she also believes experience from inside ASUA is important.
Voting for the general election begins today at 8 a.m. and ends Wednesday at 8 p.m. You can vote at elections.asua.arizona.edu.
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