What is the UA budget outlook?
Ann Weaver Hart: For the first time in years, the legislature is not talking about a reduction in its level of funding support. The proposal from the governor is modest increases, which would be very important for us in trying to move forward to maintain the incredible quality of this great institution. We are working very closely with members of the legislature to help them to make the decisions that will support the governor’s budget recommendations or better.
How does the university plan to compete for the limited amount resources in the state?
We’re trying to work all together and that requires that we accept our role differentiation and our mission differentiation and find ways to adequately and fairly fund the activities that are core to our individual missions. I’m working very hard with Chairman Rick Myers and the Board of Regents to assure that we all prosper, because this state certainly needs the three universities that we have.
Is there talk of tuition increases?
Yes, and there is a tuition hearing in April here on campus. We had no tuition increase last year and the proportion of our funding that pays for the general and education activities on campus from the state has been dramatically declining over the last five years. While we save money and find ways to be more effective we also need to find ways to balance our revenue sources to continue to provide a world class education.