The Associated Students of the University of Arizona will meet Wednesday to revisit the fashion show funds request, which was tabled at last week’s meeting.
Sen. Stephen Wallace requested approximately $7,578 for Diamonds in the Sky, a project he has been working on which aims to raise money for the Diamond Children’s Medical Center.
Last week, the senate spent 30 minutes discussing Wallace’s funds request. The senate voted five to four, with one abstention, to amend the amount of funds requested by Wallace to about $6,958.
“”The senate has gotten information on the budget and will make a decision on what to appropriate,”” said Executive Vice President Emily Fritze.
The senate will also review the consent agenda, which will allocate $4,646 of the requested $5,022 toward club funding.
“”I was told that Sen. Wallace has a line item budget from the business manager, and I’m excited to see that,”” said Sen. Tyler Quillin. “”It’s great that he got the initiative to do that. Once I see that, I’ll feel better about appropriating certain things.””
There will be a presentation and informational item from Patti King, a representative of the undergraduate council, on the issue of the final exam schedule and college graduation ceremonies.
“”King will talk about ways to address the issue of conflicting final exams and college graduation ceremonies as well as give recommendations and feedback,”” Fritze said.
The proposal was made by the college academic administrative council and approved by the graduate and undergraduate councils.
Administrative Vice President-elect Brett Ponton will also be presenting several bylaw changes, one of which will be changes to the Family Weekend section of the ASUA bylaws.