If only we listened to the protesters
I’ve noticed the news about the protests against Wall Street. Listening to the points of the protesters, I am reminded of the following sayings.
“Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” Thinking about the Great Depression, I have wondered, “Who would have benefited from everybody ‘losing’ their checking and savings accounts?” Readers may compare my theory to the President Kennedy assassination theories, but I would not be surprised to learn that the rich and powerful planned the entire Great Depression.
“Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Our supposed leaders, during the Vietnam War, did not listen to the cries of the people to get out of Vietnam. How many thousands of lives would have been saved if these warmongers would have only listened to the people? The current leaders are too stubborn, conservative, wimpy and spineless to listen to the people they are supposedly representing.
These “gutsy and heroic” protesters are correct in believing our government’s choosing to bail-out large financial firms, then allowing the economic fall-out to land squarely on the people (sic). This 99 percent majority versus the 1 percent ultra-rich and powerful shows there is an extreme gap between the “haves and have-nots” in America “the measure of what every country should strive to be,” (sic).
Our government, “Of the people, by the people, and for the people,” needs to live up to the meanings of The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the will of the American people by making the decisions that will make a brighter future for all Americans.
The question I will pose is this, is it fair, the American Ideal, and the quest for a perfect society for the rich and powerful to dictate to the world’s population by influencing the world’s governments with their multi-million dollar bribes (sic)? I will ask that all people contemplate this.
— Tim Monroe Bledsoe