Daily Trojan
“This summer break, step away from planes”
Summer break is quickly approaching. Many students are spending their final five weeks planning vacations. Exotic lands, different cultures and pleasurable sights await those who choose to leave the country. But before students enjoy these lands, cultures and sights, they must undergo the much-loathed process of air travel.
Earlier this month, the Federal Aviation Administration released an annual report revealing a bleak future for airline travelers. This year, in the United States alone, 732 million airline passengers will take flight. The numbers are forecasted to grow annually, eventually to 1.2 billion by 2032.
If airline travel is a hassle now, imagine what it will be like when that number doubles in two decades.
There will be twice as many travelers checking in bags, waiting for security clearance and complaining that they have to sit next to a crying infant.
We should all reconsider other forms of travel. Trains, boats and automobiles have many advantages. You will enjoy the journey as well as the destination, which is more than air travelers can claim.
Thankfully the FAA began “undertaking the largest transformation of air traffic control ever attempted” according to its official website, referring to its new system called NextGen. The system will entirely restructure the handling of air traffic. This means quicker landings, quicker flights and, ultimately, fewer miles flown.
Until the FAA’s transformation occurs and upholds the claims declared on its website, staying away from airports is not a bad idea.
Consider other forms of travel that allow you to experience pleasant surroundings and not the snorer, drooler, crier, belcher, farter or hurler sitting next to you.
It’s a horror many of us have survived and would wish upon no one.
— Andrew Gomez, March 28 issue
The Daily
University of Washington
“Husky Perspective: Obama 2.0”
Barack Obama was the candidate of change; Mr. “Yes We Can;” the one who was going to change the way Washington, D.C, functioned and alter politics as we know it.
When President Obama was elected in 2008, those thoughts were at the forefront of the minds of most Americans, giving liberals hope and conservatives ulcers.
But that wasn’t what happened.
Even though politicians often make promises they can’t and don’t keep, the vigor and passion behind Obama separated him from the pack. Call me unreasonable, but when Obama ran on a platform of change and hope, people expected change and hope. They didn’t expect a president who compromises his values and signs a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens (NDAA). Or a president who gives in to his opponents and doesn’t increase taxes for people who can afford it; or one who doesn’t follow through with his promises to lower ozone emissions. And especially not a president who promises — and then miserably fails — to reform the Wall Street regulation system and punish the reckless and greedy executives mainly responsible for our economic collapse.
But all of that is about to change.
Should Obama win re-election this November, we will see a very different president than we did over the past four years.
Obama 2.0.
Obama 2.0 will use this position of authority to bring the issues he feels are important to the forefront of the national spectrum until change is implemented. Issues like energy independence, tax reform, making higher education a real option for every American, funding for organizations such as Planned Parenthood, and gay rights.
Whether these are changes you want to see will depend on your political preferences, but don’t be fooled by Obama’s weak first term. If he wins re-election, Obama 2.0 is going to be a very different leader.
Change is coming, whether you like it or not.
— Nathan Taft, March 27 issue
CU Independent
University of Colorado
“How to cope with your losing March Madness bracket”
Don’t kid yourself; your bracket is in the toilet.
You picked Duke and Missouri to be in the Final Four. Or maybe your epiphany of South Dakota State as this year’s Cinderella story was proved false after you remembered they’re South Dakota State. Any way you cut it, your bracket is garbage, and now you’re pissed. The CU Independent is here to help. Here is a list of ways you can try to cope with your losing bracket:
1) Blame it on someone else
That you’ve picked only 50 percent of the winners correctly and have no one left in your Final Four is not your fault. That asshole from Yahoo! Sports whose bracket you copied team for team really led you astray. Not to mention those ingrates at ESPN that had the audacity to tell you that this year a 16 seed definitely had a chance of going all the way. You can see those fat cats now, sitting at their cubicles laughing at people like you for actually listening to them. But just know that it was definitely not your fault. It’s a bigger conspiracy that goes all the way to the top, and you’re just a faceless victim.
2) It’s a rebuilding year
So your team and every other team you picked lost. No worries, bro. It’s totally a rebuilding year. You’re just glad they made it this far and that they got some attention in the national spotlight. You’re right, they are going to go back to practice, hit it hard this summer and come back next March guns blazing. Never mind that it’s a rebuilding year for every team in your bracket, the effort was astounding and you’re just proud of them; all of them.
3) Cry
Seriously, if you can’t bury it like a man, just let it all out and be done with it.
— Ryan Sterner, March 22 issue