There’s less than two weeks left of school, which means that this is my last column. And like the rest of you, I’m dragging.
I’m tired and am struggling to muster up the energy to care about almost everything. I’m doing just enough to keep my grades up but am no longer really absorbing information (my apologies to my professors).
But the one thing I can still say I care fully about is this newsroom and its people. I see the care and dedication every day from those who help produce the paper.
You might disagree and say we don’t care at all — that our content sucks and we’re the worst newspaper you’ve ever seen. That’s fine, you’re entitled to that opinion.
There’s no doubt that we do struggle sometimes. We look at the content we have lined up and can recognize that it’s not the strongest and that that particular paper probably won’t be our best.
Sometimes, I find myself wanting to put an apology at the end of a story, wanting readers to know that we did the best we could but that you can only help a story or a photo so much. But since we can’t actually do that, we have to take that paper for what it’s worth and hope for better content the next day.
It’s not for a lack of trying though. It’s almost pathetic how many classes we skip in the name of the paper. It doesn’t go unnoticed with any of us.
I see how many times our editors have missed class to go to an interview or a photographer has to skip class to go shoot an assignment. Sometimes we skip because there is just no way we could go without falling asleep.
On average, production run from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. That’s about 10 hours we dedicate to this paper. Multiply that by five. We’re all full-time students and some of us even have second jobs.
I’ve actually lost count of how many hours that could be, but I know that it’s an impressive amount. Though we’re never asked to skip class I can attest that, at some point, our priorities changed. Suddenly, the paper is first and classes come second.
We know that it’s bad but we do it because we care about how the paper looks and what’s inside of it, even if it falls short sometimes.
I am sad to say that next semester will be my last at the Wildcat, but I’m also excited because our current news editor, Brittny Mejia, was recently named the editor in chief for the fall.
With a new semester comes change. The Wildcat is still trying to push for a stronger online presence, which means it has the option to reduce to a four-day a week publication.
“My biggest priority this upcoming semester is shifting to online because I think it’s important to prepare for the idea that, one day, we’ll be fully online,” Mejia said.
The Wildcat will continue as a weekly during the summer, with our design chief, Joey Fisher, taking over. Then, in early August, the fall editorial staff will return and implement any new changes created by Mejia.
Next semester, while our attendance grades will probably suffer, as well as our mental health, I am proud to say that the paper won’t. While the change is natural, and editors and reporters come and go, I trust that the Wildcat is in good hands with editors who truly care.
—Lynley Price is the readers representative. She can be reached at or on Twitter via @lynleyprice