What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled?
Weirdest thing I’ve ever Googled? Um. (Pauses) Man, that’s a hard one. (Sigh) You’re just going to have to give me a second to think about that.
No worries man.
Let’s see. Um, (sigh) damnit what was it? You know what man, I’m really stuck on that one. I cannot think about that right now.
Because of this On The Spot thing I’ve Googled how to spell the ShamWow and The Snuggie.
Well, last year I had to do a project for my history class on the ‘90s. We had to pick a product and write this huge-ass thing on it and stuff, but I had to Google Furbies.
What do you Google for most often?
Usually just trying to find new music and if I want to find free MP3s and stuff like that, I use Google for it. Oh, or homework in general if I have to look something up about cells or whatever my class is going over. It works perfect for homework, but the only thing that I have a problem with about Google is when I’m searching stuff they kind of take out a lot of stuff. They don’t show you everything.
Is that a problem when you do porn searches?
(Laughs) No. I mean, no. Like, (pauses) I’ve never used Google to look up porn. I’ve never used Google for that. I bet there’d be too much weird stuff on there about that.
— Brian Kimball