Who would be your top three dinner guests and why?They would be Tina Fey, because she is hilarious; Hugh Jackman, because he is really cute; and Ellen DeGeneres, because she is hilarious, too.
Which of the seven deadly sins most relates to you?Gluttony, because I am so gluttonous. I buy a lot of things that I don’t need, and I eat so much it’s ridiculous.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?I would live somewhere in Europe, because it’s pretty and they have nice weather. It gets cold there and they have seasons.
What would you like to do with your major after graduation?I want to go take my chances on Broadway. If that does not work out, I want to get my master’s and teach at a university.
What movie do you never get tired of watching?””Mean Girls”” because it is hilarious and I quote it all the time.
Where do you want to visit before you die?I want to visit Scotland, because that is where my family is from.
If you could be either rich or famous, what would you be?Rich, because I like money more than I like fame. I would use the money to pay off my college loans.