How does it feel to be an exact replica of Tyra Banks?
Wow … it feels great. I look exactly like her. I could be the best thing that ever happened to UA.
How are you exactly like her, as dramatic as she is?
I am definitely into “”smizing”” and am really good at it. I am starting to get better than her. Because now that she became fat and stuff, I can just take over America’s Next Top Model.
What is “”smizing””?
It’s the thing she does with her eyes. She is infamous for it.
If Tyra had two photos left in her hands and she didn’t give one of them to you, what would happen?
I would throw a beep fit.
When was the last time you threw a legitimate tantrum?
Yesterday, when I did not get the shirt I wanted at the Creation Store on Fourth Avenue. They tried over charging me and I got really mad.
Are you a natural born diva?
Naturally, it runs in the family.
When was the last time you did something embarrassing that did not really go with your diva attitude?
I ran my bike into a pole and then I pretended to be on the phone so people would think that was why I ran into the pole.