Campus EventsResume writing workshop. Your resume is often the first thing an employer sees when you are applying for a job or internship. This workshop provides excellent information about how to write your professional resume. 11 a.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Room 411
Diversity Initiatives Committee Meeting. Diversity Initiatives is committed to fighting racism and bias and promoting acceptance of diversity. Check them out. 5 p.m. SUMC, Picacho Room
Tunnel of Oppression auditions. The Tunnel of Oppression is casting roles for a three-day production. Emotionally charged scenes will allow you to exercise your acting prowess. Individuals of all types are encouraged to audition. 7 p.m. El Portal, Conference Center
Lecture. The Africana Studies Lecture Series Fall 2006 presents research specialist Marcel Nzeukou, who will present “”Beyond Discrimination: Detecting Subtle Discrimination in Faculty Salaries.”” Noon. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering building, Room S338
Voter registration table. The Associated Students of the University of Arizona and Arizona Students’ Association are giving you the opportunity to get ready to vote. 10 a.m. UA Mall EntertainmentPoker tournament. Ante up! Come try your hand at today’s poker tournament. 6 p.m. SUMC, Games Room
Film. “”Toga! Toga!”” The University Activities Board brings you a free screening of “”Animal House.”” If you haven’t seen this classic college party movie, it’s about time. 7:30 p.m. SUMC, Gallagher Theater
Concert. Tonight the UA School of Music presents “”The Multi-Media Show,”” a musical experience with lighting effects, projected visuals, interactive electronics and theatrical activities. Four of the works on the program were written for and premiered by renowned saxophonist John Sampen. Free. 7:30 p.m. Music building, Crowder Hall