If Cupid and Aphrodite had a child, it would be Valentine’s Day. Hallmark holiday? I think not! Sure, you may be bitter if you don’t have someone to share your love with, but look past that.
There is truly nothing better, and Valentine’s Day is an ode to the beauty of lovers and their love. It has all of the best things to offer: chocolates, flowers, cards, love poems, sonnets … who doesn’t love chocolates and sonnets? That’s like hating puppies and kittens! It’s a special day where lovers across the country can celebrate something they all have in common. Passion and romance are the core of this amazing holiday. What more could one ask for than a romantic dinner with the one they adore?
The reds and the pinks.
The sentiments of sentimentality.
Valentine’s is the day to let people know how you feel, whether they’re lovers or your mother, they should know that you have an undying love for them. Remember in elementary school when everyone bought boxes of Transformers or Barbie Valentine’s and then getting home to watch the Simpson’s Valentine’s special when Lisa got that card that said “”I Choo-choo-choose you!”” with the train on the front?
Such a beautiful sentiment.
Conversation hearts top off why Valentine’s Day is the greatest day of the year. There is no reason not to love a day of love. In the words of Thoreau, “”There is no remedy for love but to love more.”” So give your love to Valentine’s Day!