The storage capacity of a human brain exceeds four terrabytes.
It would be possible to boil about eight gallons of water with the heat generated by an average adult each day.
The only word in the English language that both begins and ends with the letters “”und”” is underground.
The average human produces 50,000 pints of spit in a lifetime-the equivalent of two small swimming pools.
In his various palaces, King Louis XIV of France had 413 beds.
The oldest tortoise lived to the age of 152.
Lee Harvey Oswald was dyslexic.
The most commonly used word in English conversation is I.
The shortest French word with all five vowels is oiseau, meaning bird.
Confucius was the eleventh child of a 70-year-old soldier.
Abraham Lincoln was the only president to be awarded a patent. It was for a device to lift boats over shoals without discharging their cargoes.
Murphy Oil Soap is the chemical most commonly used to clean elephants.
Hulk Hogan’s real name is Terry Bolle.
There is a lawsuit every 30 seconds in the United States.
The Queen’s racing colors are red and blue.
Americans use 16,000 tons of aspirin each year.
Vets at the London Zoo once fitted a snake with a glass eye.
The word coffee comes from the Arabic word qahwah, meaning wine.
When George Washington was president, there were only 350 or so federal employees.
Your right lung takes in more air than your left lung.