Letter-writer unfair to equate religion, morality
I am rather saddened by Caitlin Hall’s response to Andrew McGhee, for if I have read her reply correctly, she is equating morality to religious fervor and thus stating that a nation without religion is a nation without morality. This overlooks the many grave crimes committed in the name of religion since the induction of such institutions, an institution that at times has had about as much moral fortitude as a Twinkie has quality digestive substance. In such societies, religious crimes are a reality, for after all, if you kill in the name of your god, he, she or it will graciously reward you.
Furthermore, such rationale leads to societies where the people are only “”good”” out of fear of what might happen if they are “”bad.”” This is a rather saddening thought that Sandy Claws lives so vibrantly among our adult population, whose maturity at this point reminds me of little more then little children putting up fake facades of “”goodness”” so as to avoid a piece of coal in the stocking.
The truth of the matter is that religion is not necessary for morality to exist in any free society. Morality is more a measure of the individual character of a nation’s citizens; a reflection of how those people respect themselves and each other and their peers around the world. Religion is not necessary to tell us not to kill, for if we examine the situation, we would realize the lasting and reaching impacts such a negative action would have on that person and everyone who interacts with that person. Thus, religion does not need to be present to tell us we will go to hell if we are bad. Our conscience is more than enough to guide our morality if we would only trust in ourselves enough to listen whenever we make decisions throughout our lives.
Religious doctrine should indeed have no part in the making of laws, for such laws based upon religion are not only principally weak, but they are also quite discriminatory against those that do not practice that religion.
Ben Kaurgeosciences senior
Pigs the next step in modern warfare
War has always been a very ugly and expensive business where opposing groups batter each other into submission. It used be that it was very easy to find the war zone: Just open your ears and you’d hear gunshots and bombs exploding. However, in the post-9/11 world a war zone can be anywhere. The generals are just as ruthless and the soldiers just as expendable, but the camouflage has changed to the everyday civilian attire forcing governments to scrutinize their own citizenry for terrorists. The aims (power, land, wealth) are still the same, but the tactics have evolved to the point where even the poorest man in the world can be just as effective as a multi-million-dollar weapon system. Therefore, I think it’s time for our own evolution in tactics. Terrorists blend into our populations using our
freedom-loving ways against us, so I say why don’t we do the same. Which brings me to my point: “”pigs on commercial airplanes.”” Muslims believe pigs to be filthy animals, and most do not eat or even touch pork for such reasons that they might be barred from paradise when they die. Highly effective, this tactic was used against Muslim insurgents in the Philippines in about 1911.
Maybe forcing everyone who gets on an airplane to pet a cute little potbelly pig before departure would be an effective idea. A relatively proactive measure, it might cause a would-be martyr to reconsider his plan if he blows himself up on an airplane with a pig that he just petted. I figured we’ve shot and bombed Muslims, and politically correct niceties aren’t winning them over. Why don’t we try something a little out of the box? Give Piglet a chance! It would be a lot cheaper than checking your handbag.
Andrew Benson fine arts senior
A business proposal
I am glad to see the Eller Business School ranked so highly (in U.S. News and World Report) even though rankings by U.S. News are more than problematic. However, some of the bright stars may have an opportunity for a thriving business at the UA. We need a grocery delivery service. What a pain it is to buy groceries for those living on campus without cars.
Michael Simpson higher education graduate student