OnTheSpot ‘cringeworthy’
Flipping through the Daily Wildcat, I prepared myself for the cringeworthy interview segment “”OnTheSpot,”” wherein Andi Berlin interviews college students, asking ridiculous questions a la Stephen Colbert (if Stephen Colbert suffered a massive head trauma). Reading that segment is like listening to someone tell a joke that is simply not funny, and in the middle of telling the joke that person realizes it’s not funny, but thinks the only way to redeem it is to go on and on and carry it out. But in “”Food of the gods”” (Feb. 21) I wonder why Andi Berlin thought it acceptable, even humorous, to stray from her usual insipid variety of questions and mock her interviewee’s religious beliefs. “”Say you see Jean-Claude Van Damme in heaven, I know he’s not dead yet, but would you have sex with him?””
Are you serious? As an atheist, I have my own opinions about all religions, but just as I find Christian evangelist Brother Jed offensive, I too find Berlin’s line of questions distasteful. In the fashion of last year’s “”No Relation”” backlash, I expect President Shelton’s letter alongside this one, and this interview column removed, and in its place, daily pictures of cats with funny captions. But in the mean time, it will be interesting to see the interview with a Muslim student outside of the campus mosque, or the Jewish student outside of Hillel.
Aaron Hojunior majoring in molecular and cellular biology
‘How about this one: terrorists will kill you’
This is in response to the editorial “”Warrantless Amnesty”” (Feb. 20), and to the rest of you who are still whining about the Terrorist Surveillance Program. I think it was a great program, and given the chance I would vote to make it a permanent program. Here is my logic, and I believe it agrees with the logic put forth in the editorial article: I am not a terrorist, nor do I plan to ever be one, so why should I care if the government wiretaps me? This goes with what the editorial says, “”Only the guilty demand immunity from prosecution.””
This is exactly my point. I could care less if the government wants to listen in on me while I talk to my friend about basketball, or make a dinner reservation, or whatever. I wouldn’t even care if the government knows that I made a call to my doctor about a rash on my butt (just an example, I don’t have one!). I don’t think the government cares about any of that either. They are just trying to stop another Sept. 11, or worse, and if they think wiretapping me will help save Americans’ lives, then I say go for it. I have nothing to hide. Finally, as to the ending remark in the editorial that “”ignorance and secrecy are a far more dangerous enemy than any terrorist,”” I would say, “”what?”” There is that saying “”secrets, secrets, are no fun, secrets, secrets, hurt someone,”” well, how about this one: “”Terrorists will kill you.””
Garrett Hallcomputer science senior
Gen eds perfect for active learners
In response to Ari Frank’s letter “”Gen ed system needs restructuring”” (2/18): As a child I watched Sesame Street, enjoying the informational and neighbor-friendly programming of Big Bird and friends. The highlight for me was the “”One of these things is not like the other”” song and game that would be played. A banana, an apple, an orange and a rock would appear on the television screen while the slogan played and children at home shouted “”the rock! ROCK!”” at the TV. For clarity’s sake, why don’t we adapt the game and play it again: Pima Medical Institute, ITT Tech, Tucson Design College, the UA – one of these things is not like the other … but do you know which one and why? Pima Medical Institute, ITT Tech and Tucson Design College are three excellent institutions here in Tucson that offer coursework focused on vocational training. The UA, as a student-serving university, strives to offer its students the opportunity to experience the joy of diversity, the possibility of discovering new subjects and an education that is as inclusive as possible.
The university’s General Education Committee of professors and appointed personnel struggles to develop coursework that is beneficial and enjoyable to our 27,000 undergraduates. But the committee alone is not responsible for a student’s success; students must take the responsibility of becoming active learners and members of the university community. Yes, we must take a general education course, but consider that diverse information you receive from this class: more bang for your buck, and at the least, water cooler trivia. Thanks to my gen ed TRAD courses, I can understand a reference to a Gordian knot or inform a colleague about a unique German troubadour. During my three years of coursework here at the university I have enjoyed and learned in every class, no matter how difficult the assignments and tests or how pointless and unrelated I had originally thought the subject. There are enough courses offered that you can easily choose the general education courses best suited to your interests, schedule and your desired class size. I encourage you, Mr. Frank (and other freshmen), to surpass petty complaints about the boredom of general education requirements and to become the active students this university needs.
Nicole M. Riesgojunior majoring in education, English and Italian