School choice debate. The topic “”School Choice: Fulfilling the Promise of Brown v. Board of Education”” will be debated by Clint Bolick from the Alliance for School Choice. Noon. James E. Rogers College of Law building, Room 146
Free public forum. The UA Center for Middle Eastern Studies presents a free forum on Israel, Lebanon and the Middle East. UA faculty will provide information from a variety of fields and answer audience questions. 6:30 p.m. Social Sciences building, Room 100
Rugby practice. The women’s rugby team is having its first practice of the semester. All newcomers welcome and no experience necessary. Wear comfortable workout clothes and come ready to play! 6 p.m. Bear Down Field
Vendor fair. Shopping on the UA Mall. Your room, your wardrobe, your bank account – they’ll have stuff to cover it all. Sponsored by the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, this fair allows you to check out what the Tucson community has to offer without ever leaving campus. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. UA Mall
Blood drive. Sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Delta, the United Blood Drive Bloodmobile will be stationed at the Cherry pullout at the UA Mall. Remember to bring photo identification and eat a hearty meal before you donate. 8 a.m. UA Mall
Go there! Get engaged in a conversation about social justice issues. There are no safe-space rules, no guidelines, no peacekeeper – just the opportunity to speak your mind with care. 9 a.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Social Justice Leadership Center, Room 402
Multicultural greek round robin. The multicultural fraternities and sororities at the UA invite you to come learn more about involvement opportunities and the multicultural greek community. 7 p.m. SUMC, Room 404
Movie. Did you fall in love with Dan Brown’s “”The DaVinci Code?”” Now is your chance to watch the movie based on this bestselling book. Directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, “”The DaVinci Code”” is now showing at Gallagher Theater. 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. $3. SUMC, Gallagher Theater
Poker. Every Thursday at the Park Student Union is No Limit Texas Hold’em night. Come compete to play in the end of the semester tournaments. 6 p.m. $5. PSU, Coati Room