Even though the UA is facing massive budget cuts, ASUA announced Monday they have enough money to continue club funding through the end of the semester.
Associated Students of the University of Arizona Executive Vice-President Jessica Anderson reported at the ASUA Appropriations Board meeting on Monday that with $100,000 allocated for club funding for 2008-2009, ASUA has processed about $31,682 as of last semester.
As budget cuts continue to occur across campus, ASUA is scaling back in many areas, but funding for clubs is not one of them.
“”Club funding is one that we really like to protect,”” Anderson said.
More club events tend to occur in the spring and ASUA’s goal is to make it through fall semester with at least 50 percent of funding remaining.
It’s been difficult in past years to maintain funding through spring semester, Anderson said.
“”We like to make sure we do at least have funding in time for finals,”” she said.
With more than 500 clubs on campus and $100,000 to divide among them, clubs must have a representative in attendance at board meetings in order to have their request for funds heard. Representatives are needed to “”address questions and misconceptions”” about their club’s application for funding, Anderson said.
Should clubs’ representatives not attend, their applications would be tabled until the next meeting at which point the board will consider the application.
“”The ones that weren’t here today can follow up next week,”” Anderson said. “”The funding process doesn’t end here.””
Anderson suggested that clubs interested in applying for funding from ASUA visit its Web site at asua.arizona.edu where the necessary forms can be found. Requests must be turned in three weeks prior to the event for which funds are being requested.