If you had a dinner party, who would be your top three dinner guests?
Top three dinner guests would have to be John Lennon, George Carlin and Hunter S. Thompson, because John Lennon inspired people with his music and art to live together harmoniously. It would be interesting to get his perspective on the decisions we’ve made since his death. George Carlin and Hunter S. Thompson are both endlessly entertaining while still providing a unique insight into the woes of society.
What is your idea of paradise?
My idea of paradise is that I’d like to be on island where I get to be with the people I love, the people who live there are nice, the food is delicious and the wildlife and landscape are lush and beautiful. Also, the weather would never go above 85 or drop below 60. Work and school would never be stressful or mundane.
What is your worst vice?
My worst vice is over-analyzing and over-thinking situations. I have a hard time making a decision before I’ve considered every possible outcome. Also, I procrastinate and could probably keep myself organized better. It would probably take some of the stress out of school.
Keeping yourself organized is good advice. What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
The best advice I have been given was to learn to live in the moment with the people you love, because the relationships you make are the most important impact you can make.
– Kelsey Ahlmark