Amy Johnson
Amy Johnson / The Daily Wildcat Brian Kirk, a geography senior, admires the style of European soccer players after spending time living in Germany.
Brian Kirk, geography senior
Who do you typically look up to when it comes to your style, be it your father, grandfather or even athletes?
I’d say mainly athletes, especially European soccer players. They’re all very stylish. But yeah, mainly soccer players. Some NBA players, but sometimes their style is a little bit too expensive for me.
What fall fashion are you itching to break out of your closet?
I guess jeans, because all summer long I’ve been wearing shorts, and I love wearing jeans. Levi’s are my favorite, by the way. So I’m excited to finally bust out my jeans. Something else, too, is also hoodies. I know that’s not very stylish, but I really love hoodies and it’s kind of seeming like it’s getting a little cooler. Even though it is Tucson so it’s extremely hot year ‘round, but I’m finally feeling the love from fall weather.
How would you best describe your style or how do you think others describe your style?
I don’t want to say hipster, but I love buying clothes at H&M. That’s my favorite store. So whatever you classify people who shop at H&M. Maybe metrosexual.
Can you tell me a little bit about what you’re currently wearing?
My tank top is from H&M and it was only $6. And my jeans are from American Eagle, although they’re pretty old. But I finally got to wear them because it’s been so hot. And then I have Chucks on, classic Converse All Star low top. Oh, and the sunglasses are also from H&M.