Michael Moore is tired.
In his latest book, “”Mike’s Election Guide 2008,”” he attempts to create a clear-cut guide on why to vote Democrat this November. It begins with a tongue-in-cheek, question-and-answer session with people on the street about what has been up for the past eight years. And Moore, a man who’s had it up to here with America, has plenty of flippant answers.
One chapter of the book is devoted to “”How many Democrats does it take to lose the most winnable presidential election in history?”” It dumps on Democrats as much as it dumps on McCain, but he makes a valid point when he says it’s easy to lose if people trust that all the Republicans are tired of Bush.
The next section is no better; it’s a list of 10 things Obama should do within his first 10 days of office. First on the list is bringing the draft back, but having it only apply to the richest 18-year-olds in America. It’s clever satire, but does that mean he’s joking about number four: lowered taxes and affordable healthcare?
Moore’s book might make you laugh, but it also makes crucial points concerning the welfare of our country: arrest President Bush for his errant presidency, revolutionize the voting system and fix our country. A lot of what he says is pretty important, and while it’s sometimes hard to understand through his frustrated sarcasm, America should get his message: vote for Obama.