Editor’s note: This article was produced as part of the Daily Wildcat‘s 2018 Campus Guide — the perfect resource for any incoming Wildcat. Whether you’re trying to find important dates, looking for a club to join or are interested in UA history and traditions, we’ll be there to help you get through your first semester. Welcome to the University of Arizona!
African Americans in Life Science
The mission of AALS is to promote knowledge and individual professionalism for black students pursuing careers in the health sciences. The club works to assist members on the journey to medicine-related career fields. Contact info is aalsclubua@gmail.com or 520-621-3149.
Biosystems Engineering Club
A group of students interested in engineering for agriculture and biological processes. The club works on lab tours and design projects. Contact info is bec.uofa@gmail.com or 520-621-1607.
Chinese Culture Club
The mission of this club is to provide a chance for people of different cultures to learn about and experience Chinese culture. This club hosts lectures, guest speakers, hands-on activities and films. Contact info is xlau@email.arizona.edu or 602-577-4809.
RELATED: Campus Services: From A to Z
An international organization for those interested in marketing, finance, business management and hospitality/tourism, the club competes against other schools to help members grow professionally and prepare for the workplace. The club hosts case studies, workshops and industry visits for its members to expand their knowledge. Contact is uofadeca@gmail.com.

Engineers Without Borders
EWB-USA students and professional mentors participate in a variety of activities, from local volunteering to overseas projects. The members work year-round on a primary chapter project and have regular weekend volunteering with partners such as Habitat for Humanity. Contact info is ewb.arizona@gmail.com.
Faces in Health Professions
Faces in Health Professions is a pre-health club that focuses on aiding underserved populations. Meetings and activities consist of guest speakers and clinical volunteering at Z Mansion. Contact info is facesinhealthprofessions@gmail.
Global Medical Brigades – Undergraduate
Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. It aims to mobilize thousands of university students and professionals through skill-based programs that work to improve quality of life. Contact info is ua.gmb.president@gmail.com.
Honors Student Council
The mission of Honors Student Council is to create a community within the Honors College between the students and staff. They host several meetings and organize events for the Honors College and the Community. Contact info is honorsstudentcouncilaz@gmail.com.
International Relations Club
International Relations Club aims to educate and spread awareness of global political issues. The club encourages members to discuss current global politics, relations and policy while ultimately keeping members up to date. Contact info is IRClubUofA@gmail.com.
Jewish Arizonans on Campus
JAC’s mission is to connect Jews and Judaism by providing opportunities for every Jewish individual attending the University of Arizona, irrespective of background, affiliation, denomination or level of observance, to experience the joy and vibrancy of Judaism in a welcoming environment. Contact info is rabbimoshe@myjac.org.

Kyudo Club
Kyudo club is an organization that brings an ancient style of Japanese archery to campus. This club aims to teach the history behind the sport as well as give members the opportunity to try it for themselves. Contact info is uakyudo@gmail.com.
Latinx Health Student Association
LHSA aims to increase representation in the healthcare field. This club provides resources regarding requisites and admissions processes of medical, nursing and pharmacy schools on campus. Contact info is lhsa.ua@gmail.com or 520-709-8213

Marine Awareness and Conservation Society
MACS is a student-run organization that promotes the conservation of marine ecosystems through public outreach events, philanthropy and the promotion of scientific discovery, advocacy and solutions. Contact info is macsuofa@gmail.com.
Native Nations in Christ
Native Nations in Christ is a student organization on campus which encourages Christian fellowship and spiritual growth. The mission of Native Nations in Christ is to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a fellowship opportunity for students of every nation. Contact info is nativenationsinchrist@gmail.com.
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
oStem is an organization on campus that looks to identify, address and advocate for the needs of LGBTQA students in STEM fields. They work on mentorship connections and leadership development. Contact info is uaostem@gmail.com.

Project Sunshine
This club aims to bring “sunshine” to children facing medical challenges and provide support to their families as well. Throughout the year, they will have opportunities to volunteer and do activities with children at different children’s clinics/hospitals, create and send sunshine kits to children in hospitals and host fundraisers and drives. Contact info is uaprojectsunshine@gmail.com.
Questions or looking for more clubs? You can look forward to the campus club fair that happens at the beginning of the fall semester or look at the ASUA student organizations on their website.
Religious Studies Group: University of Arizona Chapter
Religious Studies Group is an organization that exists for the purpose of educating others about the field of study, fundraising for interfaith projects and advocating for peace. This club is a group of students and faculty that enjoy the foundation of religious studies and hope to spread. Contact info is ajameson@email.arizona.edu or 480-584-9565.

SCA- The College of St. Felix
The Society for Creative Anachronism takes everything Middle Ages, from historical studies to chainmail making to fighter training, and brings it to campus. This club hosts weekly fighter training, consisting of actual swords and shields, to teach members about the importance of the middle ages in modern society. Contact info is ampemb89@gmail.com or 520-310-8363.
The Derby Cats
The Derby Cats is the first official college flat track roller derby team. They have the ability to play other co-ed teams or all female teams. On their way to becoming a certified UA sport, the Cats practice hard, play hard and help support the Tucson community. Contact info is uaderbycats@gmail.com or 928-420-5365.
University of Arizona Astronomy Club
This club’s goal is to inspire and assist anybody with a passion in astronomy and science. They provide opportunities to work on astronomy projects with other students and astronomers who care deeply about astronomy education. Contact info is uaastroclub@gmail.com.
Veggie Cats
This club’s objective is to create a community on campus for students interested in plant-based eating, to spread awareness of the positive health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet and to focus on implementing easy ways to eat a vegan diet as a college student. Contact info is uaveggiecats@gmail.com.

Women’s Ultimate Frisbee
Scorch is the traveling Women’s Ultimate Frisbee team at UA and is one of the teams in the Desert division of the Southwest region of USA Ultimate. No experience is necessary to come to practices or try out for the team, and the entire fall semester is devoted to teaching the game to all who are willing to learn. Contact info is scorchcaptains@gmail.com.
Xtreme Discovery Teams
Xtreme Discovery Teams is an Honors College club designed to promote a fun educational environment for middle school and high school students in the Tucson community. Members of the club travel to local schools where they conduct fun hands on activities and engage students in a positive learning environment. Contact info is xtremediscoveryteams@gmail.com.
Young Democratic Socialists of America
Young Democratic Socialists of America is the youth and student section of the Democratic Socialists of America. YDSA fights for democratic socialism through active campaigns to improve the lives of working people. Contact info is tucsonydsa@gmail.com.
ZoomCats is a club designed to reduce some of the wealth-related health disparities in Tucson. They will be putting together weekly interactive lessons in physiology and running for local kids. Contact info is lydiawolf@email.arizona.edu.
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