Grab some Mr. Pibb and Red Vines, drop a Hamilton and spend a lazy Sunday watching the 'Chronicles of Narnia.' You'll love the film more than McAdams loves Gosling.
True, the Oscar buzz died down quite some time ago, but being that this is the year in review and all, it is essential to capture the top-10 best films of this past school year.
1. “”Chronicles of Narnia”” – It’s not just cool because of the infamous “”Saturday Night Live”” rap, but because it’s one of the best-looking fantasy films.
2. “”Walk the Line”” – Reese Witherspoon more than proved she can play other roles besides blonde sorority girls dressed in pink.
3. “”The Matador”” – Pierce Brosnan is a badass – enough said.
4. “”Capote”” – After watching “”Capote,”” I’m still not sure if I like Truman Capote as a person, but I know I like the movie.
5. “”Good Night, and Good Luck”” – It was a brilliant commentary on the civic duty of journalists (plus, everything looks better in black and white).
6. “”Brokeback Mountain”” – Can we have a top-10 list without including this?
7. “”V For Vendetta”” – Explosions, social commentary and Natalie Portman all rolled into one dazzling package.
8. “”Match Point”” – Woody Allen makes his comeback and proves he’s more twisted than ever.
9. “”Proof”” – Apparently there aren’t any mathematicians who don’t go crazy, but watching Gwyneth Paltrow straddle the line was intense.
10. “”40-Year-Old Virgin”” – Steve Carell made playing a nerd cool again with his honest, endearing and hilarious portrayal.