Letters to the editorIn Daniel Greenberg’s column on Wednesday (The real issue: Obama, April 21), he has said that President Baback Obama needs to close diplomatic efforts with other Middle Eastern powers or else we’ll have to protect Israel from the ravening, A-bomb wielding Arab hordes at some point in the future. OK, exactly why is it that the U.S. was responsible for supporting and protecting the Israeli government from the consequences of its actions and policy?
We don’t own Israel; Netanyahu’s government is planning on doing as they see fit in East Jerusalem (and in the West Bank, and in the Gaza Strip, etc.), so it can face up to the feedback from its actions without the trump card of American military force. After all, 62 years old is no longer a fledgeling nation …— James ShiraUA alumnus
As a huge sports fan, I have been to almost every home game for Wildcat football, basketball and baseball. While we have top tier athletic teams as a Pac-10 school, I would say that the Zona Zoo and the thousands of fans who have filled Wildcat Stadium and the McKale Center have been huge momentum boosters in games that came down to the wire: football against Stanford, basketball against USC and Cal, to name a few.
Now it is baseball season, I have attended most of the home games and have been less than impressed (and I am not talking about the performance of the baseball team). Compared to Wildcat Stadium and McKale Center, the baseball stadium is tiny, and we have not even come close to filling it. Our baseball team is currently #15 in the nation, and we can’t fill the stadium?
The season is really heating up, and the next few weeks will be huge implications as far as the College World Series is concerned. This weekend’s series against UCLA is huge! The Zona Zoo needs to show up, put the “”hot”” back in the “”hot corner,”” and make the Bruins never want to come back to Tucson.— Joshua T. SelbeBusiness undergraduate
Dear Congressman Grijalva,I would’ve sent this letter to your office instead of to the editor if I thought that would have been the best way to be heard.
I know as SB 1070 awaits Gov. Jan Brewer’s decision, the immigration debate is heating up real fast. But I would like to remind you that many of us still think the number one issue is the economy.
So when you ask business to boycott Arizona, you not only hurt our state by decreasing our revenue, but you also are creating a toxic environment for job growth. As a senior graduating from the UA in less than a month, I am hoping to have a job along with the rest of the class of 2010, but I guess it does take a rocket scientist to create an environment where jobs are welcome in our district.— Sara Pat Badgley Interdisciplinary studies undergraduate
I am originally from San Francisco, Calif., and have had a lot of exposure to pride alliances and equality organizations for gays and lesbians. I think that it is great the the Pride Alliance here on campus is thriving and doing well. I also think that it is awesome that the co-founder went in drag to talk to the ASUA. I actually saw him walking around on campus dressed that way and didn’t even consider that he might not actually dress like that every day. I hope that the Pride Alliance will continue to gain support here at the University of Arizona. — Meaghan FowlerPhysiology undergraduate