“”Blood on the ground is usually not a metaphor used in healthy families.”” – Gary Rhoades, director of UA Center for Study of Higher Education, in response to Provost Meredith Hay’s assertion that faculty should act “”like a family,”” Oct. 1, 2008. A student town hall meeting with President Shelton will be held today at noon in the Tucson Room of the Student Union Memorial Center.
“”He’s disappointed and a bit melancholy.”” – Yale Galanter, O.J. Simpson’s lawyer, on how Simpson feels about the outcome of his trial for kidnapping and robbery, Oct. 6, 2008
“”It is perfectly fair to argue that wealthy corporations should pay a greater share of the tax base than struggling middle-class Americans. Fair, but not realistic. The U.S. government can no longer dictate to global capital. Once, when the U.S. was the engine of global growth, when the world needed Wall Street for funding, capital could be taxed and controlled by the fiat of the U.S. government. No longer. The U.S. may have the will; it does not have the power.””- Zachary Karabell, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 6, 2008
“”. . . the voting public doesn’t want to continue living under the rule of the same faction and same political party that has driven the country into the ground. Having Sarah Palin drop her gerund endings and desperately trotting out the standard, tired GOP attack ads to depict Obama as a radical, fist-pumping, America-hating, unhinged socialist – when everyone can see with their own eyes that he isn’t – won’t change any of that.”” – Glenn Greenwald, Salon.com, Oct. 4, 2008
“”Our opponent . . . is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”” – Sarah Palin, Englewood, Colo., Oct. 4, 2008
“”It just seems a very high price to pay, I think. I ask you to think how much I’ve suffered.”” – Paul F. Little, a.k.a. “”Max Hardcore,”” to federal judge Susan Bucklew, during his trial on charges of distributing obscene materials, Oct. 4, 2008
“”Officer, please. You don’t want to do this. I didn’t have that much to drink. C’mon, sir, please, I’m pre-med. You’re gonna ruin my life.”” – unidentified man, Sept. 27, quoted in the Daily Wildcat, Oct. 7, 2008