Skin cancer screening
Free skin cancer screening for campus community members. Dermatologist and nurse practitioners will provide brief skin screening. The Skin Cancer Institute will offer Dermascan, a sun damage predictor, and educational information. It will be held at Highland Commons room D304 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
ASUA info session
Want to learn more about the requirements and process for becoming a candidate in the 2009 Spring ASUA Elections? Come by and learn all about it in the Santa Cruz room of the Student Union Memorial Center at 6 p.m.
Early Modern Studies
Join The University of Arizona’s Group for Early Modern Studies for a lecture by Gordon Kipling, professor of English at UCLA, titled “”The Queen, the Reformation and the Bible Test: Reforming the Royal Entry in England and Scotland.”” This lecture will take place in the Retablo Room of the UA’s Museum of Art at 4 p.m.