1. If at all possible, don’t go. You’re guaranteed to avoid any shopping-related injuries and are likely to have a much more relaxing day.
2. If you must go, do your homework. Sure, breaks are supposed to be about doing what you want and getting away from the dreaded h-word, but you’re the one who wanted to brave Black Friday. In order to have a successful shopping experience, know where you want to go and what you want to get. Scour all the advertisements you can get your hands on and then cut out coupons.
3. Get up early. While the typical time to begin standing in line tends to be around 4 a.m., some stores do begin sales at midnight. Good things come to those who wait, and you’ll probably be doing lots of waiting. Be prepared to stand in lines. Make sure your iPod is charged.
4. Divide and conquer. If you’re hoping to reduce the amount of time you spend in line, send one person into line immediately, while the rest of you fight the crowds for your precious purchases. Maybe by the time you’ve got that new TV, your partner will be halfway through the checkout line.
5. Use those elbows. Try not to injure anyone, but stand your ground. Your elbows can be powerful tools in maintaining a protective bubble.
6. Don’t get sidetracked by sparkly new things. This goes back to having a game plan and sticking to it. Remember, you’re not there to browse.
7. Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. A caffeine jolt is bound to wake you up, but if you’re not a fan of coffee, have another hot beverage or yummy snack. You are going to need every ounce of energy you can find.
8. Pack light. Most of us know from experience how difficult it is to maneuver with a big backpack, purse or shopping cart. The less you have to tote around, the faster you will be able to wiggle to the front of the crowd and snatch your new toy.
9. Don’t run. It may be tempting to surge forward and skip the lines, but security will find you. They will. Your fellow shoppers will laugh as you are escorted out, and your shopping experience will come to a rather embarrassing end.
10. Smile. The holiday season has officially started. Even as you’re jostling through crowds and pitying the parents foolish enough to bring their toddlers out into the mob, remember to spread some holiday cheer.