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Fast Facts
November 16, 2006
- The chocolate chip cookie was invented in 1933.
The Kansas City Railroad used to stop their trains to allow the passengers to shoot at passing buffalo.
Eagles can live in captivity for up to 46 years.
A hamlet is a village without a church, and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral.
The most common set of initials for Superman’s friends and enemies is L.L.
When Einstein was inducted as an American, he attended the ceremony without socks.
Hulk Hogan’s real name is Terry Bollea.
The densest substance on Earth is the metal osmium.
Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who discovered radium, died on July 4, 1934, of radiation poisoning.
There is an average of 50,000 spiders per acre in green areas.
The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess salt.
The electric organs in an electric eel make up four-fifths of its body.
About 811,000 faulty rolls of 35-millimeter film will be purchased this year.
An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.