Rebecca Noble
Associated Students of the University of Arizona Sen. Jonah Soble listens during an ASUA meeting in the Student Union Memorial Center on Aug. 24. At their second meeting of the year, ASUA senators talked about stipends and senate structure.
The Associated Students of the University of Arizona meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 7, began with the unanimous approval of senate staffers.
ASUA then moved on to discuss new business.
Senator Matthew Lubisich informed the meeting about the cost of new tables for the senate office. If approved, the money would come from this year’s ASUA budget.
Senator Danielle Ledezma also talked about money and a change in the cabinet stipend. In both discussions, there was no call to vote.
Due to the senate structure changes that occurred last year, the senators conversed about improving the college-specific senators by creating an ad-hoc committee.
Executive Vice President Trey Cox explained that last year’s college-specific senate structure fell through and the committee would be starting from scratch by deciding when they meet and how they envision this structure.
“We want the college-specific senators to get in contact with their deans more frequently,” Cox said.
There was a call to vote on this issue for next week’s meeting.
The last order of new business included the approval of an ad-hoc elections committee, which will focus on improving the elections for next semester.
Cox informed the meeting that club registration ends on Friday, Sept. 9, at 5 p.m.
During the president’s privilege, Chris Wright, the president’s deputy chief of staff, talked about getting faculty involved for voter initiatives.
A few senators gave reports; there was, however, not a treasurer’s report.
The meeting adjourned at 5:33 p.m.
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