Dorothy Nishwitz, psychology senior
What is the greatest virtue?Honesty is the greatest virtue, because it ties into so many things that we do as people and how we interact with others We can be brutally cruel and be honest, but we are still honest with others. I think that it is really important with relationships to be honest.
What is an experience you have had with dishonesty?In relationships and even with acquaintances that you have, people can say that you look great today even though your hair may be a mess and you haven’t showered, and they will still say that you look great.
On the most basic level, I look at those experiences as the essence of dishonesty that exists in our society. We can make the smallest fibs or lies and with those just keep going further with them. Even in our closest relationships, we can be untrue or lie to others and tell them that they are something they are not. Especially in our society, we fail to be honest with people and that leads to dishonest relationships.
How does someone go about not telling white lies?I think that people should be themselves. If you want to compliment someone, don’t compliment someone because you have a quota for the day. I think it defeats the purpose if you feel like you must compliment five people a day. Little lies can lead to bigger lies and more problems.
When should a person be most honest?I think people should be honest all the time, but a person should be most honest with people you want to have in your life. If you start with a lie, it is going to lead to a bunch of lies.
– Kelsey Alhmark