Jimmy Kimmel has declared today to be a new holiday, which will help social media users “clean-house” with their friends list. National Unfriend Day was first launched by the late-night talk show host in 2010 to remind Facebook fanatics to delete those friends who clutter their newsfeed with needless narcissism. In a recent video posted on YouTube, Kimmel gives some cautious signs that may make you worthy of being “unfriended” by someone:
Reasons Why You May be “Unfriended”
1. Posting too many statuses on Facebook without checking your spelling
2. Rambling incessantly about politics, weather or your exercise workout
3. Tagging friends in photos they look unflattering in — though you look fabulous
4. Posting excessive photos of your food
5. Spilling details about popular television shows before people have had time to watch
6. Asking simple questions that could easily be answered through a Google search (e.g., When is Election Day?)
7. Running in a 10K marathon just so you can brag on Facebook about it through posts and photos
8. Being pushy about what pages or groups people should “like” (Your amateur improv troupe falls in this category.)
9. Only acknowledging Facebook friends during their birthdays
10. Posting about which “Frozen” character you’re most like