Ernie Somoza
Ernie Somoza/ Arizona Daily Wildcat World Fair
Clubs celebrated their diverse cultures at the Wildcat World Fair on Friday.
The Wildcat World Fair took place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and had booths for clubs on the UA Mall allowing visitors to explore what the fair had to offer.
“”The goal of the Wildcat World Fair is generally to raise student awareness about how diverse the UA is and to celebrate those different cultures,”” said James Vancel, director of the Wildcat World Fair and an international studies senior. “”My job as the director, which is a position within ASUA, was coordinating all the different clubs, getting the clubs involved, all the logistical stuff like the tents, facilities and the health permits.””
The Seven Pipers UA Scottish Club performed during the Wildcat World Fair.
“”We are trying to gain new members and show everyone that the Scottish club is present on campus,”” said Brenna Ward, the president of the club. “”This is our third year at the fair.””
There were nine performances ranging from Ward’s Scottish bagpipe procession to a traditional Japanese archery show.
“”We were just looking around,”” said Lauren Deschamps, an art education freshman who attended the fair. “”I was attracted by the Indian fry bread. There are a lot of food options and a lot of cool performances.””
The Italian club, known as CIAO, returned to the Wildcat World Fair for its third-consecutive year. They enticed onlookers with food, magnets, Italian sodas and club information.
“”We had a long night last night,”” said Sarah Tanberg, a member of CIAO and junior majoring in family studies and human development. “”We try to do most of the products that we sell by ourselves and with donations. It’s a lot of work preparing and decorating.””
Although there were many clubs who were Wildcat World Fair veterans, there were also many clubs who were on the Mall for the first time, like the club Groupo Folklorico Miztontli, a Mexican ballet folkloric dance group.
“”We are here to represent our heritage and our culture,”” Monica Soto, a member of Groupo Folklorico Miztontli and civil engineering senior. “”We are here to gain support, fundraise and enjoy the beautiful day. We are also here to learn about the other clubs on campus and support each other.””