Gordon Bates
Gordon Bates / Arizona Daily Wildcat The clock shown here in the Chavez building is among the population of dilapidated clocks on the UA campus. This picture, taken in the early afternoon on Tuesday, January 19th, 2010, make it apparent that the correct time is not being displayed to the staff and students.
Many clocks on the campus do not work. The Harvill Building has 20 broken clocks that are frozen, one clock that is off by 20 minutes, seven working clocks and five classrooms that are without a clock.
All seven working clocks were a different style than the broken clocks.
“”May just be the age of the clock,”” said Chris Kopach, associate director of facilities management, when asked why the clocks don’t work.
According to Kopach, the clocks are calibrated by a centralized system out of a power plant. Kopach said 53 of 1600 electrical maintenance requests in the past seven months were clocks.
“”It actually does bother me that the clocks don’t work in Harvill 210,”” said Carrie Cole, theatre arts professor. “”So often I’m trying to make sure the students have the time they need to process the information, yet we also still need to keep the momentum of the class going. It’s a challenging balance to maintain, and when you can’t glance up and easily keep track of time or when students can’t do so during small group dynamics, it can hamper progress.””
Liz Warren-Pederson, a graduate student and faculty member who currently teaches in a classroom with a broken clock, said she has only had problems with the clocks as a student.
“”I know the facilities management does its best,”” Warren-Pedersen said. “”It’s easy enough get around but it kind of belies the purpose of having a clock in the classroom if the time is not correct.””
Second-year pharmacy student Carrie Hammer said some of her classes don’t even have clocks.
“”We just started bringing our own,”” Hammer said.
Hammer added some students in her class chipped in and bought a wall clock to bring to classrooms without clocks.
Other students were not bothered by the clocks not working.
“”It happens,”” said Sarah Yount, an anthropology senior.
Jon Moser, an engineering senior, agreed.
“”It’s not that big of a deal. Most people nowadays have cell phones,”” Moser said.
– if there are any matience issues people can contact the work request number: (520) 621-3000