Mike Christy
Mike Christy / Arizona Daily Wildcat Scot Mason loads up bags full of freshly popped blue and red popcorn Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010, at Popcorn Country, 3914 E. Grant Rd., in Tucson, Ariz. Mason estimates that nearly 100 pounds of popcorn is produced at the store daily.
You might not have noticed it before, but next time you’re driving past the southeast corner of Grant Road and Alvernon Way, keep your eyes open for a shop called “”Popcorn Country.””
Popcorn Country is exactly what it sounds like: a small and friendly establishment that is known for its specialty popcorn flavors. In fact, they boast 10 different types of popcorn, including everything from white cheddar to butter pecan to jalapeno. They have created all of their own recipes and cook the popcorn themselves in-store.
Although the company used to go by a different name, it has been serving the Tucson area for over 20 years, becoming increasingly involved within the community. They often collaborate with local high schools, bands and athletic clubs to organize fundraisers. Although Popcorn Country is a small, specific establishment, it has recently expanded its services by selling popcorn in grocery stores around town. And its website allows Popcorn Country to reach across the nation.
This week, Wildlife got a chance to speak with the local ladies behind Popcorn Country, President Gina Smith and Vice President of Marketing Joan Dameron.
“”We have a wide range (of clientele),”” Smith said. “”We’ve tried to narrow it down, and we can’t. Our customers are everywhere from age one to 99.””
“”Customer service is the most important thing to us,”” Dameron added.
In addition, Popcorn Country keeps the community interested by featuring a different flavor each month. For the month of October, they offer a small bag of caramel corn for just a dollar. I sampled this particular flavor and found that it exceeded my already high expectations. Popcorn Country has really perfected what they do.
So if you’re looking for a unique treat just in time for Halloween, you may want to stop by Popcorn Country. Pick up a bag of their special caramel corn or any one of the many other flavors that you may enjoy.